How Long Is Asmat - Names In Memory Of All Victims Of The Sea. (2014) The Movie

1. ASMAT – Names – AMM - Archivio delle Memorie Migranti

  • Missing: (2014) | Show results with:(2014)

  •   by Dagmawi Yimer, 2015 (17’23”) A video to commemorate the victims of the disaster that occurred on October 3, 2013, off the coast of Lampedusa. Its…

2. ASMAT - Names in memory of all victims of the sea. (2014) - Trakt

  • ASMAT - Names in memory of all victims of the sea. 2014 ; Released December 12, 2014 ; Runtime 17m ; Director Dagmawi Yimer ; Languages English ; Genres Documentary ...

  • A video to commemorate the victims of the disaster that occurred on October 3, 2013, off the coast of Lampedusa. Its intention is to force the institutions and civil society, in the words of the director, to “name each and every one, to make us aware of how many names lost their bodies on one single day, in the Mediterranean sea”.

3. The Sea – Sounds & Storytelling Online Program - Announcements


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5. Watch ASMAT - Names in memory of all victims of the sea. - Sharingful

  • ASMAT - Names in memory of all victims of the sea. APPROPIATE. 2014 / 17min. Rating 0.

  • A video to commemorate the victims of the disaster that occurred on October 3, 2013, off the coast of Lampedusa. Its intention is to force the institutions and civil society, in the words of the director, to “name each and every one, to make us aware of how many names lost their bodies on one single day, in the Mediterranean sea”.

6. Dagmawi Yimer - The Mosaic Rooms

  • Missing: (2014) | Show results with:(2014)

  • Dagmawi Yimer was born and grew up in Addis Ababa and was a second-year law student when he left his

7. The Sea – Sounds & Storytelling - Manifesta 13 Marseille

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8. The Sea. Sounds & Storytelling. Part II - Istituto Svizzero

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  • 03.10.2020—06.12.2020

9. ASMAT - Names in memory of all victims of the sea. - Binged

  • ASMAT – Names in memory of all victims of the sea. 2014|Film |17m. Not Streaming in India. Directed by: Dagmawi Yimer ... Emergency Makers To Make Changes In Film ...

  • A video to commemorate the victims of the disaster that occurred on October 3, 2013, off the coast of Lampedusa. Its intention is to force the institutions and civil society, in the words of the director, to “name each and every one, to make us aware of how many names lost their bodies on one single day, in the Mediterranean sea”.

How Long Is Asmat - Names In Memory Of All Victims Of The Sea. (2014) The Movie
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.